Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Artistry...Complexity...A lesson: Ben Cooper, Radical Face

Ben Cooper. The man behind the mask that is, Radical Face. The album: Ghost. A man that seems to put simplicity, and complex imagery together into one thought- provoking package. This album, to a first-time listener, may be nothing special, simple and soft indie music. But, as you keep listening...and let it get the worn out, rusty gears working again... you start to see more than that. Ben establishes mental imagery... and accomplishes what many cannot... he makes the listener feel, and relate.

It seems that people tend to think that you need the bad to fully appreciate the good. In rebuttal....what happens when there IS no bad? It seems like whatever challenge life can throw at you unexpectedly...there is always a way out of the dank, dark, shadow of chance. It is NEVER the end. Whether family, financial, relationship, or marital problems seem to surround your life, there is always a way out. To put an end to looking into the past...burn it...smell the smoke of your past...a quick memory...then never to enter your nostrils again.

Live your life in it's time and embrace the gift given. That is why it's called the present...
Look forward, to the answer within, reaching. Never get too busy in this life...stop and smell the flowers...observe the trees...the complexity of nature...the ferocity of a thunderstorm...the starry night sky... Appreciate what you have now... love those around you... never let go of what's most important in life... Not just creative composition with chimes..bells...hand-claps...instruments...human voices... It's more than that. It brings one into deep thought...

For those who let it...His creation is speaking...

COMPOSER: Ben Cooper
ARTIST: Radical Face
ALBUM: Ghost

-To Whom it may concern, these are my thoughts

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